S5P4418 介绍
作者: 来源: 发布时间:2020-06-02 浏览:11
关键字: S5P4418 |
S5P4418介绍introductionS5P4418 is a system-on-a-chip(SOC)based on the 32-bit RISC processor for tablets and ceel-phones.Designed with the 28nm low power process,features of S5P4418 include:Cortex-A9 Quad core CPUHighest memory bandwidthFull HD display1080p 60 frame video decoding and 1080p 30 frame enconding hardware3D graphics hardwareHigh-speed interfaces such as eMMC4.5 and USD 2.0S5P4418 uses the Cortex-A9 quad core,which is 50% overall performance higher the Cortex-A8 core.It provides 6.4GB/smemory bandwith for heavy traffic operations such as 1080p video enconding and dconding ,3D graphics display and highresolution image signal processing with Full HD dispay. 深圳市兆丰源科技有限公司是S5P4418芯片芯片的原装现货供应商,经销商。销售S5P4418芯片,量大可提供S5P4418原厂技术支持。 |
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编辑:admin 最后修改时间:2020-06-02