UFS 介绍
关键字: UFS Universal Flash Storage
UFS 维基百科上关于UFS描述如下:
Universal Flash Storage(UFS) is a commonflash storagespecification fordigital cameras,mobile phonesandconsumer electronicdevices.It aims to bring higherdata transferspeed and increased reliability to flash memory storage, while reducing market confusion and removing the need for different adapters for different types of card. The proposed specification is supported by leading firms in the consumer electronics industry such asNokia,Sony Ericsson,Texas Instruments,STMicroelectronics,Samsung,Micron,SK Hynix.UFS is positioned as a replacement foreMMCsandSD cards. The electrical interface for UFS uses theM-PHY,developed by theMIPI Alliance, a high speed serial interface targeting 2.9Gbit/s (gigabits per second) per lane with up-scalability to 5.8Gbit/s per lane.UFS implements a full-duplex serialLVDSinterface that scales better to higher bandwidths than the 8-lane parallel interface of eMMCs. Unlike eMMC, Universal Flash Storage is based on theSCSI architectural modeland supportsSCSI Tagged Command Queuing. The standard is developed by, and available from, theJEDEC Solid State Technology Association. In September 2013, JEDEC published JESD220B UFS 2.0 (update to UFS v1.1 standard published in June 2012). JESD220B Universal Flash Storage v2.0 offers increased link bandwidth for performance improvement, a security features extension and additional power saving features over the UFS v1.1. TheLinux kernelsupports UFS.

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