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M451 PWM对照数据手册分析

关键字:M451 发布时间:2019-05-22
PWM_T Struct Reference
typedef struct

 * @var PWM_T::CTL0
 * Offset: 0x00  PWM Control Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CTRLDn    |Center Re-Load
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |In up-down counter type, PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
 * |        |          |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the center point of a period.
 * |[13:8]  |WINLDENn  |Window Load Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
 * |        |          |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD bit.
 * |        |          |1 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
 * |        |          |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
 * |        |          |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register and cleared by hardware after load success.
 * |[21:16] |IMMLDENn  |Immediately Load Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
 * |        |          |CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD bit.
 * |        |          |1 = PERIOD/CMPDAT will load to PBUF and CMPBUF immediately when software update PERIOD/CMPDAT.
 * |        |          |Note: If IMMLDENn is enabled, WINLDENn and CTRLDn will be invalid.
 * |[24]    |GROUPEN   |Group Function Enable
 * |        |          |0 = The output waveform of each PWM channel are independent.
 * |        |          |1 = Unify the PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH4 to output the same waveform as PWM_CH0 and unify the PWM_CH3 and PWM_CH5 to output the same waveform as PWM_CH1.
 * |[30]    |DBGHALT   |ICE Debug Mode Counter Halt (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |If counter halt is enabled, PWM all counters will keep current value until exit ICE debug mode.
 * |        |          |0 = ICE debug mode counter halt disable.
 * |        |          |1 = ICE debug mode counter halt enable.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[31]    |DBGTRIOFF |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects PWM output.
 * |        |          |PWM pin will be forced as tri-state while ICE debug mode acknowledged.
 * |        |          |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement disabled.
 * |        |          |PWM pin will keep output no matter ICE debug mode acknowledged or not.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::CTL1
 * Offset: 0x04  PWM Control Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |CNTTYPEn  |PWM Counter Behavior Type
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
 * |        |          |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
 * |        |          |10 = Up-down counter type.
 * |        |          |11 = Reserved.
 * |[21:16] |CNTMODEn  |PWM Counter Mode
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Auto-reload mode.
 * |        |          |1 = One-shot mode.
 * |[26:24] |OUTMODEn  |PWM Output Mode
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the
 * |        |          |output mode of
 * |        |          |corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM independent mode.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM complementary mode.
 * |        |          |Note: When operating in group function, these bits must all set to the same mode.
 * @var PWM_T::SYNC
 * Offset: 0x08  PWM Synchronization Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[2:0]   |PHSENn    |SYNC Phase Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM counter disable to load PHS value.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM counter enable to load PHS value.
 * |[13:8]  |SINSRCn   |PWM_SYNC_IN Source Selection
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |00 = Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC.
 * |        |          |01 = Counter equal to 0.
 * |        |          |10 = Counter equal to PWM_CMPDATm, m denotes 1, 3, 5.
 * |        |          |11 = SYNC_OUT will not be generated.
 * |[16]    |SNFLTEN   |PWM_SYNC_IN Noise Filter Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Noise filter of input pin PWM_SYNC_IN is Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Noise filter of input pin PWM_SYNC_IN is Enabled.
 * |[19:17] |SFLTCSEL  |SYNC Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
 * |        |          |000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
 * |        |          |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
 * |        |          |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
 * |        |          |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
 * |        |          |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
 * |        |          |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
 * |        |          |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
 * |        |          |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
 * |[22:20] |SFLTCNT   |SYNC Edge Detector Filter Count
 * |        |          |The register bits control the counter number of edge detector.
 * |[23]    |SINPINV   |SYNC Input Pin Inverse
 * |        |          |0 = The state of pin SYNC is passed to the negative edge detector.
 * |        |          |1 = The inverted state of pin SYNC is passed to the negative edge detector.
 * |[26:24] |PHSDIRn   |PWM Phase Direction Control
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Control PWM counter count decrement after synchronizing.
 * |        |          |1 = Control PWM counter count increment after synchronizing.
 * @var PWM_T::SWSYNC
 * Offset: 0x0C  PWM Software Control Synchronization Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[2:0]   |SWSYNCn   |Software SYNC Function
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |When SINSRCn (PWM_SYNC[13:8]) is selected to 0, SYNC_OUT source is come from SYNC_IN or this bit.
 * @var PWM_T::CLKSRC
 * Offset: 0x10  PWM Clock Source Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[2:0]   |ECLKSRC0  |PWM_CH01 External Clock Source Select
 * |        |          |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
 * |        |          |001 = TIMER0 overflow.
 * |        |          |010 = TIMER1 overflow.
 * |        |          |011 = TIMER2 overflow.
 * |        |          |100 = TIMER3 overflow.
 * |        |          |Others = Reserved.
 * |[10:8]  |ECLKSRC2  |PWM_CH23 External Clock Source Select
 * |        |          |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
 * |        |          |001 = TIMER0 overflow.
 * |        |          |010 = TIMER1 overflow.
 * |        |          |011 = TIMER2 overflow.
 * |        |          |100 = TIMER3 overflow.
 * |        |          |Others = Reserved.
 * |[18:16] |ECLKSRC4  |PWM_CH45 External Clock Source Select
 * |        |          |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
 * |        |          |001 = TIMER0 overflow.
 * |        |          |010 = TIMER1 overflow.
 * |        |          |011 = TIMER2 overflow.
 * |        |          |100 = TIMER3 overflow.
 * |        |          |Others = Reserved.
 * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC0_1
 * Offset: 0x14  PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |CLKPSC    |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
 * |        |          |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
 * |        |          |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
 * |        |          |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).
 * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC2_3
 * Offset: 0x18  PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |CLKPSC    |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
 * |        |          |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
 * |        |          |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
 * |        |          |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).
 * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC4_5
 * Offset: 0x1C  PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |CLKPSC    |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
 * |        |          |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
 * |        |          |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
 * |        |          |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).
 * @var PWM_T::CNTEN
 * Offset: 0x20  PWM Counter Enable Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CNTENn    |PWM Counter Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
 * @var PWM_T::CNTCLR
 * Offset: 0x24  PWM Clear Counter Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CNTCLRn   |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
 * |        |          |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = No effect.
 * |        |          |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0000H.
 * @var PWM_T::LOAD
 * Offset: 0x28  PWM Load Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |LOADn     |Re-Load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
 * |        |          |This bit is software write, hardware clear when current PWM period end.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Write Operation:
 * |        |          |0 = No effect.
 * |        |          |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
 * |        |          |Read Operation:
 * |        |          |0 = No load window is set.
 * |        |          |1 = Load window is set.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
 * @var PWM_T::PERIOD
 * Offset: 0x30~0x44  PWM Period Register 0~5
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |PERIOD    |PWM Period Register
 * |        |          |Up-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, and restarts from 0.
 * |        |          |Down-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from PERIOD to 0, and restarts from PERIOD.
 * |        |          |PWM period time = (PERIOD+1) * PWM_CLK period.
 * |        |          |Up-Down-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, then decrements to 0 and repeats again.
 * |        |          |PWM period time = 2 * PERIOD * PWM_CLK period.
 * @var PWM_T::CMPDAT
 * Offset: 0x50~0x64  PWM Comparator Register 0~5
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |CMP       |PWM Comparator Register
 * |        |          |CMP use to compare with CNTR to generate PWM waveform, interrupt and trigger EADC/DAC.
 * |        |          |In independent mode, CMPDAT0~5 denote as 6 independent PWM_CH0~5 compared point.
 * |        |          |In complementary mode, CMPDAT0, 2, 4 denote as first compared point, and CMPDAT1, 3, 5 denote as second compared point for the corresponding 3 complementary pairs PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.
 * @var PWM_T::DTCTL0_1
 * Offset: 0x70  PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |DTCNT     |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
 * |        |          |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[16]    |DTEN      |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
 * |        |          |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
 * |        |          |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
 * |        |          |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[24]    |DTCKSEL   |Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
 * |        |          |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK.
 * |        |          |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::DTCTL2_3
 * Offset: 0x74  PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |DTCNT     |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
 * |        |          |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[16]    |DTEN      |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
 * |        |          |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
 * |        |          |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
 * |        |          |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[24]    |DTCKSEL   |Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
 * |        |          |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK.
 * |        |          |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::DTCTL4_5
 * Offset: 0x78  PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |DTCNT     |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
 * |        |          |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[16]    |DTEN      |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
 * |        |          |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
 * |        |          |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
 * |        |          |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[24]    |DTCKSEL   |Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
 * |        |          |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK.
 * |        |          |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::PHS0_1
 * Offset: 0x80  PWM Counter Phase Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |PHS       |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
 * |        |          |PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.
 * @var PWM_T::PHS2_3
 * Offset: 0x84  PWM Counter Phase Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |PHS       |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
 * |        |          |PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.
 * @var PWM_T::PHS4_5
 * Offset: 0x88  PWM Counter Phase Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |PHS       |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
 * |        |          |PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.
 * @var PWM_T::CNT
 * Offset: 0x90~0xA4  PWM Counter Register 0~5
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |CNT       |PWM Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |User can monitor CNTR to know the current value in 16-bit period counter.
 * |[16]    |DIRF      |PWM Direction Indicator Flag (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = Counter is Down count.
 * |        |          |1 = Counter is UP count.
 * @var PWM_T::WGCTL0
 * Offset: 0xB0  PWM Generation Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |ZPCTLn    |PWM Zero Point Control
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |00 = Do nothing.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM zero point output High.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
 * |        |          |PWM can control output level when PWM counter count to zero.
 * |[27:16] |PRDPCTLn  |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |00 = Do nothing.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
 * |        |          |PWM can control output level when PWM counter count to (PERIODn+1).
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
 * @var PWM_T::WGCTL1
 * Offset: 0xB4  PWM Generation Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[11:0]  |CMPUCTLn  |PWM Compare Up Point Control
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |00 = Do nothing.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
 * |        |          |PWM can control output level when PWM counter up count to CMPDAT.
 * |        |          |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * |[27:16] |CMPDCTLn  |PWM Compare Down Point Control
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |00 = Do nothing.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
 * |        |          |PWM can control output level when PWM counter down count to CMPDAT.
 * |        |          |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * @var PWM_T::MSKEN
 * Offset: 0xB8  PWM Mask Enable Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |MSKENn    |PWM Mask Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
 * |        |          |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
 * @var PWM_T::MSK
 * Offset: 0xBC  PWM Mask Data Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |MSKDATn   |PWM Mask Data Bit
 * |        |          |This data bit control the state of PWMn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Output logic low to PWMn.
 * |        |          |1 = Output logic high to PWMn.
 * @var PWM_T::BNF
 * Offset: 0xC0  PWM Brake Noise Filter Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |BRK0NFEN  |PWM Brake 0 Noise Filter Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Enabled.
 * |[3:1]   |BRK0NFSEL |Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
 * |        |          |000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
 * |        |          |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
 * |        |          |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
 * |        |          |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
 * |        |          |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
 * |        |          |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
 * |        |          |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
 * |        |          |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
 * |[6:4]   |BRK0FCNT  |Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Count
 * |        |          |The register bits control the Brake0 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT.
 * |[7]     |BRK0PINV  |Brake 0 Pin Inverse
 * |        |          |0 = The state of pin PWMx_BRAKE0 is passed to the negative edge detector.
 * |        |          |1 = The inverted state of pin PWMx_BRAKE10 is passed to the negative edge detector.
 * |[8]     |BRK1NFEN  |PWM Brake 1 Noise Filter Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Enabled.
 * |[11:9]  |BRK1NFSEL |Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
 * |        |          |000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
 * |        |          |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
 * |        |          |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
 * |        |          |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
 * |        |          |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
 * |        |          |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
 * |        |          |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
 * |        |          |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
 * |[14:12] |BRK1FCNT  |Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Count
 * |        |          |The register bits control the Brake1 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT.
 * |[15]    |BRK1PINV  |Brake 1 Pin Inverse
 * |        |          |0 = The state of pin PWMx_BRAKE1 is passed to the negative edge detector.
 * |        |          |1 = The inverted state of pin PWMx_BRAKE1 is passed to the negative edge detector.
 * |[16]    |BK0SRC    |Brake 0 Pin Source Select (M45xD/M45xC Only)
 * |        |          |For PWM0 setting:
 * |        |          |0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0.
 * |        |          |For PWM1 setting:
 * |        |          |0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0.
 * |[24]    |BK1SRC    |Brake 1 Pin Source Select (M45xD/M45xC Only)
 * |        |          |For PWM0 setting:
 * |        |          |0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1.
 * |        |          |For PWM1 setting:
 * |        |          |0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1.
 * @var PWM_T::FAILBRK
 * Offset: 0xC4  PWM System Fail Brake Control Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |CSSBRKEN  |Clock Security System Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Brake Function triggered by CSS detection Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake Function triggered by CSS detection Enabled.
 * |[1]     |BODBRKEN  |Brown-Out Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Brake Function triggered by BOD Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake Function triggered by BOD Enabled.
 * |[2]     |RAMBRKEN  |SRAM Parity Error Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Brake Function triggered by SRAM parity error detection Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake Function triggered by SRAM parity error detection Enabled.
 * |[3]     |CORBRKEN  |Core Lockup Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup detection Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup detection Enabled.
 * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1
 * Offset: 0xC8  PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |CPO0EBEN  |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[1]     |CPO1EBEN  |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[4]     |BRKP0EEN  |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[5]     |BRKP1EEN  |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[7]     |SYSEBEN   |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[8]     |CPO0LBEN  |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[9]     |CPO1LBEN  |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[12]    |BRKP0LEN  |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[13]    |BRKP1LEN  |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[15]    |SYSLBEN   |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN  |PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[19:18] |BRKAODD   |PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3
 * Offset: 0xCC  PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |CPO0EBEN  |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[1]     |CPO1EBEN  |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[4]     |BRKP0EEN  |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[5]     |BRKP1EEN  |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[7]     |SYSEBEN   |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[8]     |CPO0LBEN  |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[9]     |CPO1LBEN  |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[12]    |BRKP0LEN  |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[13]    |BRKP1LEN  |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[15]    |SYSLBEN   |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN  |PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[19:18] |BRKAODD   |PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5
 * Offset: 0xD0  PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |CPO0EBEN  |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[1]     |CPO1EBEN  |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[4]     |BRKP0EEN  |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[5]     |BRKP1EEN  |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[7]     |SYSEBEN   |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[8]     |CPO0LBEN  |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[9]     |CPO1LBEN  |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[12]    |BRKP0LEN  |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[13]    |BRKP1LEN  |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[15]    |SYSLBEN   |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN  |PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[19:18] |BRKAODD   |PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::POLCTL
 * Offset: 0xD4  PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |PINVn     |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
 * |        |          |The register controls polarity state of PWM output.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM output polar inverse Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM output polar inverse Enabled.
 * @var PWM_T::POEN
 * Offset: 0xD8  PWM Output Enable Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |POENn     |PWM Pin Output Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM pin at tri-state.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM pin in output mode.
 * @var PWM_T::SWBRK
 * Offset: 0xDC  PWM Software Brake Control Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[2:0]   |BRKETRGn  |PWM Edge Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
 * |        |          |Write 1 to this bit will trigger edge brake, and set BRKEIFn to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[10:8]  |BRKLTRGn  |PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
 * |        |          |Write 1 to this bit will trigger level brake, and set BRKLIFn to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::INTEN0
 * Offset: 0xE0  PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |ZIENn     |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
 * |[7]     |IFAIEN0_1 |PWM_CH0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
 * |[13:8]  |PIENn     |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
 * |        |          |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
 * |[15]    |IFAIEN2_3 |PWM_CH2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
 * |[21:16] |CMPUIENn  |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * |[23]    |IFAIEN4_5 |PWM_CH4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
 * |[29:24] |CMPDIENn  |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * @var PWM_T::INTEN1
 * Offset: 0xE4  PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |BRKEIEN0_1|PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[1]     |BRKEIEN2_3|PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel2/3 (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[2]     |BRKEIEN4_5|PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel4/5 (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[8]     |BRKLIEN0_1|PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[9]     |BRKLIEN2_3|PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel2/3 (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[10]    |BRKLIEN4_5|PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel4/5 (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * @var PWM_T::INTSTS0
 * Offset: 0xE8  PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |ZIFn      |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
 * |[7]     |IFAIF0_1  |PWM_CH0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL0_1 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
 * |[13:8]  |PIFn      |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PWM_PERIODn, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |[15]    |IFAIF2_3  |PWM_CH2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL2_3 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
 * |[21:16] |CMPUIFn   |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches PWM_CMPDATn, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
 * |        |          |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * |[23]    |IFAIF4_5  |PWM_CH4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL4_5 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
 * |[29:24] |CMPDIFn   |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches PWM_CMPDATn, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
 * |        |          |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
 * |        |          |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * @var PWM_T::INTSTS1
 * Offset: 0xEC  PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |BRKEIF0   |PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[1]     |BRKEIF1   |PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[2]     |BRKEIF2   |PWM Channel2 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel2 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel2 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[3]     |BRKEIF3   |PWM Channel3 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel3 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel3 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[4]     |BRKEIF4   |PWM Channel4 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel4 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel4 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[5]     |BRKEIF5   |PWM Channel5 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel5 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel5 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[8]     |BRKLIF0   |PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel0 level-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel0 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[9]     |BRKLIF1   |PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[10]    |BRKLIF2   |PWM Channel2 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel2 level-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel2 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[11]    |BRKLIF3   |PWM Channel3 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel3 level-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel3 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[12]    |BRKLIF4   |PWM Channel4 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel4 level-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel4 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[13]    |BRKLIF5   |PWM Channel5 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel5 level-detect brake event do not happened.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel5 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
 * |        |          |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
 * |[16]    |BRKESTS0  |PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Status
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
 * |[17]    |BRKESTS1  |PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Status
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
 * |[18]    |BRKESTS2  |PWM Channel2 Edge-Detect Brake Status
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel2 edge-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel2 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel2 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
 * |[19]    |BRKESTS3  |PWM Channel3 Edge-Detect Brake Status
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel3 edge-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel3 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel3 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
 * |[20]    |BRKESTS4  |PWM Channel4 Edge-Detect Brake Status
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel4 edge-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel4 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel4 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
 * |[21]    |BRKESTS5  |PWM Channel5 Edge-Detect Brake Status
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel5 edge-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel5 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel5 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
 * |[24]    |BRKLSTS0  |PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel0 level-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel0 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
 * |        |          |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
 * |        |          |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
 * |[25]    |BRKLSTS1  |PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
 * |        |          |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
 * |        |          |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
 * |[26]    |BRKLSTS2  |PWM Channel2 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel2 level-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel2 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel2 at brake state.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
 * |        |          |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
 * |        |          |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
 * |[27]    |BRKLSTS3  |PWM Channel3 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel3 level-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel3 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel3 at brake state.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
 * |        |          |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
 * |        |          |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
 * |[28]    |BRKLSTS4  |PWM Channel4 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel4 level-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel4 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel4 at brake state.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
 * |        |          |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
 * |        |          |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
 * |[29]    |BRKLSTS5  |PWM Channel5 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |0 = PWM channel5 level-detect brake state is released.
 * |        |          |1 = When PWM channel5 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel5 at brake state.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
 * |        |          |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
 * |        |          |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
 * @var PWM_T::IFA
 * Offset: 0xF0  PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[3:0]   |IFCNT0_1  |PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Counter
 * |        |          |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 period occurs to set bit IFAIF0_1 to request the PWM period interrupt.
 * |        |          |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT0_1 [3:0] times of PWM period.
 * |[6:4]   |IFSEL0_1  |PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
 * |        |          |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 0.
 * |        |          |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 0.
 * |        |          |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 0.
 * |        |          |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 0.
 * |        |          |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 1.
 * |        |          |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 1.
 * |        |          |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 1.
 * |        |          |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 1.
 * |[7]     |IFAEN0_1  |PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
 * |[11:8]  |IFCNT2_3  |PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Counter
 * |        |          |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 period occurs to set bit IFAIF2_3 to request the PWM period interrupt.
 * |        |          |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT2_3[3:0] times of PWM period.
 * |[14:12] |IFSEL2_3  |PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
 * |        |          |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 2.
 * |        |          |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 2.
 * |        |          |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 2.
 * |        |          |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 2.
 * |        |          |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 3.
 * |        |          |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 3.
 * |        |          |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 3.
 * |        |          |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 3.
 * |[15]    |IFAEN2_3  |PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
 * |[19:16] |IFCNT4_5  |PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Counter
 * |        |          |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 period occurs to set bit IFAIF4_5 to request the PWM period interrupt.
 * |        |          |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT4_5[3:0] times of PWM period.
 * |[22:20] |IFSEL4_5  |PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
 * |        |          |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 4.
 * |        |          |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 4.
 * |        |          |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 4.
 * |        |          |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 4.
 * |        |          |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 5.
 * |        |          |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 5.
 * |        |          |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 5.
 * |        |          |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 5.
 * |[23]    |IFAEN4_5  |PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
 * Offset: 0xF4  PWM Trigger DAC Enable Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |ZTEn      |PWM Zero Point Trigger DAC Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Enabled.
 * |        |          |PWM can trigger EADC/DAC/DMA to start action when PWM counter down count to zero if this bit is set to 1.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |[13:8]  |PTEn      |PWM Period Point Trigger DAC Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Enabled.
 * |        |          |PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter up count to (PERIODn+1) if this bit is set to 1.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |[21:16] |CUTRGEn   |PWM Compare Up Count Point Trigger DAC Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM Compare Up point trigger DAC function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM Compare Up point trigger DAC function Enabled.
 * |        |          |PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter up count to CMPDAT if this bit is set to 1.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Note1: This bit should keep at 0 when PWM counter operating in down counter type.
 * |        |          |Note2: In complementary mode, CUTRGE1, 3, 5 use as another CUTRGE for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * |[29:24] |CDTRGEn   |PWM Compare Down Count Point Trigger DAC Enable
 * |        |          |0 = PWM Compare Down count point trigger DAC function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM Compare Down count point trigger DAC function Enabled.
 * |        |          |PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter down count to CMPDAT if this bit is set to 1.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Note1: This bit should keep at 0 when PWM counter operating in up counter type.
 * |        |          |Note2: In complementary mode, CDTRGE1, 3, 5 use as another CDTRGE for channel 0, 2, 4.
 * @var PWM_T::EADCTS0
 * Offset: 0xF8  PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[3:0]   |TRGSEL0   |PWM_CH0 Trigger EADC Source Select
 * |        |          |0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point.
 * |        |          |0001 = PWM_CH0 period point.
 * |        |          |0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point.
 * |        |          |0110 = PWM_CH1 period point.
 * |        |          |0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |[7]     |TRGEN0    |PWM_CH0 Trigger EADC enable bit
 * |[11:8]  |TRGSEL1   |PWM_CH1 Trigger EADC Source Select
 * |        |          |0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point.
 * |        |          |0001 = PWM_CH0 period point.
 * |        |          |0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point.
 * |        |          |0110 = PWM_CH1 period point.
 * |        |          |0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |[15]    |TRGEN1    |PWM_CH1 Trigger EADC enable bit
 * |[19:16] |TRGSEL2   |PWM_CH2 Trigger EADC Source Select
 * |        |          |0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point.
 * |        |          |0001 = PWM_CH2 period point.
 * |        |          |0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point.
 * |        |          |0110 = PWM_CH3 period point.
 * |        |          |0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |[23]    |TRGEN2    |PWM_CH2 Trigger EADC enable bit
 * |[27:24] |TRGSEL3   |PWM_CH3 Trigger EADC Source Select
 * |        |          |0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point.
 * |        |          |0001 = PWM_CH2 period point.
 * |        |          |0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point.
 * |        |          |0110 = PWM_CH3 period point.
 * |        |          |0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |[31]    |TRGEN3    |PWM_CH3 Trigger EADC enable bit
 * @var PWM_T::EADCTS1
 * Offset: 0xFC  PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[3:0]   |TRGSEL4   |PWM_CH4 Trigger EADC Source Select
 * |        |          |0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point.
 * |        |          |0001 = PWM_CH4 period point.
 * |        |          |0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point.
 * |        |          |0110 = PWM_CH5 period point.
 * |        |          |0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |[7]     |TRGEN4    |PWM_CH4 Trigger EADC enable bit
 * |[11:8]  |TRGSEL5   |PWM_CH5 Trigger EADC Source Select
 * |        |          |0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point.
 * |        |          |0001 = PWM_CH4 period point.
 * |        |          |0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point.
 * |        |          |0110 = PWM_CH5 period point.
 * |        |          |0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point.
 * |        |          |1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |        |          |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
 * |[15]    |TRGEN5    |PWM_CH5 Trigger EADC enable bit
 * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT0_1
 * Offset: 0x100  PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FTCMP     |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
 * |        |          |FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC.
 * |        |          |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.
 * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT2_3
 * Offset: 0x104  PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FTCMP     |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
 * |        |          |FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC.
 * |        |          |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.
 * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT4_5
 * Offset: 0x108  PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FTCMP     |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
 * |        |          |FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC.
 * |        |          |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.
 * @var PWM_T::SSCTL
 * Offset: 0x110  PWM Synchronous Start Control Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |SSENn     |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable
 * |        |          |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
 * @var PWM_T::SSTRG
 * Offset: 0x114  PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |CNTSEN    |PWM Counter Synchronous Start Enable (Write Only)
 * |        |          |PMW counter synchronous enable function is used to make selected PWM channels (include PWM0_CHx and PWM1_CHx) start counting at the same time.
 * |        |          |Writing this bit to 1 will also set the counter enable bit (CNTENn, n denotes channel 0 to 5) if correlated PWM channel counter synchronous start function is enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit only present in PWM0_BA.
 * @var PWM_T::STATUS
 * Offset: 0x120  PWM Status Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CNTMAXFn  |Time-Base Counter Equal To 0xFFFF Latched Flag
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = indicates the time-base counter never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
 * |        |          |1 = indicates the time-base counter reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
 * |[10:8]  |SYNCINFn  |Input Synchronization Latched Flag
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Indicates no SYNC_IN event has occurred.
 * |        |          |1 = Indicates an SYNC_IN event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
 * |[21:16] |ADCTRGFn  |EADC Start Of Conversion Flag
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Indicates no EADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
 * |        |          |1 = Indicates an EADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
 * |[24]    |DACTRGF   |DAC Start Of Conversion Flag
 * |        |          |0 = Indicates no DAC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
 * |        |          |1 = Indicates an DAC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit
 * @var PWM_T::CAPINEN
 * Offset: 0x200  PWM Capture Input Enable Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CAPINENn  |Capture Input Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
 * |        |          |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
 * |        |          |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
 * @var PWM_T::CAPCTL
 * Offset: 0x204  PWM Capture Control Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CAPENn    |Capture Function Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT register will not be updated.
 * |        |          |1 = Capture function Enabled.
 * |        |          |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch).
 * |[13:8]  |CAPINVn   |Capture Inverter Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
 * |[21:16] |RCRLDENn  |Rising Capture Reload Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
 * |[29:24] |FCRLDENn  |Falling Capture Reload Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
 * @var PWM_T::CAPSTS
 * Offset: 0x208  PWM Capture Status Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CRLIFOVn  |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIF is 1.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIF.
 * |[13:8]  |CFLIFOVn  |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
 * |        |          |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIF is 1.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIF.
 * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT0
 * Offset: 0x20C  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |RCAPDAT   |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT0
 * Offset: 0x210  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FCAPDAT   |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT1
 * Offset: 0x214  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |RCAPDAT   |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT1
 * Offset: 0x218  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FCAPDAT   |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT2
 * Offset: 0x21C  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |RCAPDAT   |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT2
 * Offset: 0x220  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FCAPDAT   |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT3
 * Offset: 0x224  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |RCAPDAT   |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT3
 * Offset: 0x228  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FCAPDAT   |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT4
 * Offset: 0x22C  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |RCAPDAT   |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT4
 * Offset: 0x230  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FCAPDAT   |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT5
 * Offset: 0x234  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |RCAPDAT   |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT5
 * Offset: 0x238  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FCAPDAT   |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
 * |        |          |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
 * @var PWM_T::PDMACTL
 * Offset: 0x23C  PWM PDMA Control Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[0]     |CHEN0_1   |Channel 0/1 PDMA Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 0/1 captured data and transfer to memory.
 * |[2:1]   |CAPMOD0_1 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 Or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 To Do PDMA Transfer
 * |        |          |00 = Reserved.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1.
 * |        |          |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 and PWM_FCAPDAT0/1.
 * |[3]     |CAPORD0_1 |Capture Channel 0/1 Rising/Falling Order
 * |        |          |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD0_1 = 11.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data to memory.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data to memory.
 * |[4]     |CHSEL0_1  |Select Channel 0/1 To Do PDMA Transfer
 * |        |          |0 = Channel0.
 * |        |          |1 = Channel1.
 * |[8]     |CHEN2_3   |Channel 2/3 PDMA Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 2/3 captured data and transfer to memory.
 * |[10:9]  |CAPMOD2_3 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 Or PWM_FCAODAT2/3 To Do PDMA Transfer
 * |        |          |00 = Reserved.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3.
 * |        |          |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 and PWM_FCAPDAT2/3.
 * |[11]    |CAPORD2_3 |Capture Channel 2/3 Rising/Falling Order
 * |        |          |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 or PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD2_3 = 11.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data to memory.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data to memory.
 * |[12]    |CHSEL2_3  |Select Channel 2/3 To Do PDMA Transfer
 * |        |          |0 = Channel2.
 * |        |          |1 = Channel3.
 * |[16]    |CHEN4_5   |Channel 4/5 PDMA Enable
 * |        |          |0 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 4/5 captured data and transfer to memory.
 * |[18:17] |CAPMOD4_5 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 Or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 To Do PDMA Transfer
 * |        |          |00 = Reserved.
 * |        |          |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5.
 * |        |          |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5.
 * |        |          |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 and PWM_FCAPDAT4/5.
 * |[19]    |CAPORD4_5 |Capture Channel 4/5 Rising/Falling Order
 * |        |          |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD4_5 = 11.
 * |        |          |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data to memory.
 * |        |          |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data to memory.
 * |[20]    |CHSEL4_5  |Select Channel 4/5 To Do PDMA Transfer
 * |        |          |0 = Channel4.
 * |        |          |1 = Channel5.
 * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP0_1
 * Offset: 0x240  PWM Capture Channel 01 PDMA Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |CAPBUF    |PWM Capture PDMA Register
 * |        |          |(Read Only)
 * |        |          |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.
 * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP2_3
 * Offset: 0x244  PWM Capture Channel 23 PDMA Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |CAPBUF    |PWM Capture PDMA Register
 * |        |          |(Read Only)
 * |        |          |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.
 * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP4_5
 * Offset: 0x248  PWM Capture Channel 45 PDMA Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |CAPBUF    |PWM Capture PDMA Register
 * |        |          |(Read Only)
 * |        |          |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.
 * @var PWM_T::CAPIEN
 * Offset: 0x250  PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CAPRIENn  |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CINTENR corresponding channel CAPRIEN must be disabled.
 * |[13:8]  |CAPFIENn  |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
 * |        |          |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
 * |        |          |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CINTENR corresponding channel CAPFIEN must be disabled.
 * @var PWM_T::CAPIF
 * Offset: 0x254  PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[5:0]   |CRLIFn    |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
 * |        |          |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
 * |        |          |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CIFR corresponding channel CRLIF will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
 * |[13:8]  |CFLIFn    |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
 * |        |          |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |        |          |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
 * |        |          |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
 * |        |          |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CIFR corresponding channel CFLIF will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
 * @var PWM_T::PBUF
 * Offset: 0x304~0x318  PWM PERIOD0~5 Buffer
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |PBUF      |PWM Period Register Buffer
 * |        |          |(Read Only)
 * |        |          |Used as PERIOD active register.
 * @var PWM_T::CMPBUF
 * Offset: 0x31C~0x330  PWM CMPDAT0~5 Buffer
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |CMPBUF    |PWM Comparator Register Buffer
 * |        |          |(Read Only)
 * |        |          |Used as CMP active register.
 * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF0_1
 * Offset: 0x340  PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FTCMPBUF  |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
 * |        |          |Used as FTCMPDAT active register.
 * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF2_3
 * Offset: 0x344  PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FTCMPBUF  |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
 * |        |          |Used as FTCMPDAT active register.
 * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF4_5
 * Offset: 0x348  PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[15:0]  |FTCMPBUF  |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
 * |        |          |Used as FTCMPDAT active register.
 * @var PWM_T::FTCI
 * Offset: 0x34C  PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * |Bits    |Field     |Descriptions
 * | :----: | :----:   | :---- |
 * |[2:0]   |FTCMUn    |PWM FTCMPDAT Up Indicator
 * |        |          |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn equal to PERIODn and DIRF=1, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
 * |[10:8]  |FTCMDn    |PWM FTCMPDAT Down Indicator
 * |        |          |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn equal to PERIODn and DIRF=0, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
 * |        |          |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.

    __IO uint32_t CTL0;          /* Offset: 0x00  PWM Control Register 0                                             */
    __IO uint32_t CTL1;          /* Offset: 0x04  PWM Control Register 1                                             */
    __IO uint32_t SYNC;          /* Offset: 0x08  PWM Synchronization Register                                       */
    __IO uint32_t SWSYNC;        /* Offset: 0x0C  PWM Software Control Synchronization Register                      */
    __IO uint32_t CLKSRC;        /* Offset: 0x10  PWM Clock Source Register                                          */
    __IO uint32_t CLKPSC0_1;     /* Offset: 0x14  PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0                                     */
    __IO uint32_t CLKPSC2_3;     /* Offset: 0x18  PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2                                     */
    __IO uint32_t CLKPSC4_5;     /* Offset: 0x1C  PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4                                     */
    __IO uint32_t CNTEN;         /* Offset: 0x20  PWM Counter Enable Register                                        */
    __IO uint32_t CNTCLR;        /* Offset: 0x24  PWM Clear Counter Register                                         */
    __IO uint32_t LOAD;          /* Offset: 0x28  PWM Load Register                                                  */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE0[1];  
    __IO uint32_t PERIOD[6];     /* Offset: 0x30~0x44  PWM Period Register 0~5                                       */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE1[2];  
    __IO uint32_t CMPDAT[6];     /* Offset: 0x50~0x64  PWM Comparator Register 0~5                                   */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE2[2];  
    __IO uint32_t DTCTL0_1;      /* Offset: 0x70  PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0                                   */
    __IO uint32_t DTCTL2_3;      /* Offset: 0x74  PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2                                   */
    __IO uint32_t DTCTL4_5;      /* Offset: 0x78  PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4                                   */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE3[1];  
    __IO uint32_t PHS0_1;        /* Offset: 0x80  PWM Counter Phase Register 0                                       */
    __IO uint32_t PHS2_3;        /* Offset: 0x84  PWM Counter Phase Register 2                                       */
    __IO uint32_t PHS4_5;        /* Offset: 0x88  PWM Counter Phase Register 4                                       */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE4[1];  
    __I  uint32_t CNT[6];        /* Offset: 0x90~0xA4  PWM Counter Register 0~5                                      */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE5[2];  
    __IO uint32_t WGCTL0;        /* Offset: 0xB0  PWM Generation Register 0                                          */
    __IO uint32_t WGCTL1;        /* Offset: 0xB4  PWM Generation Register 1                                          */
    __IO uint32_t MSKEN;         /* Offset: 0xB8  PWM Mask Enable Register                                           */
    __IO uint32_t MSK;           /* Offset: 0xBC  PWM Mask Data Register                                             */
    __IO uint32_t BNF;           /* Offset: 0xC0  PWM Brake Noise Filter Register                                    */
    __IO uint32_t FAILBRK;       /* Offset: 0xC4  PWM System Fail Brake Control Register                             */
    __IO uint32_t BRKCTL0_1;     /* Offset: 0xC8  PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0                           */
    __IO uint32_t BRKCTL2_3;     /* Offset: 0xCC  PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2                           */
    __IO uint32_t BRKCTL4_5;     /* Offset: 0xD0  PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4                           */
    __IO uint32_t POLCTL;        /* Offset: 0xD4  PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register                                     */
    __IO uint32_t POEN;          /* Offset: 0xD8  PWM Output Enable Register                                         */
    __O  uint32_t SWBRK;         /* Offset: 0xDC  PWM Software Brake Control Register                                */
    __IO uint32_t INTEN0;        /* Offset: 0xE0  PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0                                    */
    __IO uint32_t INTEN1;        /* Offset: 0xE4  PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1                                    */
    __IO uint32_t INTSTS0;       /* Offset: 0xE8  PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0                                      */
    __IO uint32_t INTSTS1;       /* Offset: 0xEC  PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1                                      */
    __IO uint32_t IFA;           /* Offset: 0xF0  PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register                            */
    __IO uint32_t DACTRGEN;      /* Offset: 0xF4  PWM Trigger DAC Enable Register                                    */
    __IO uint32_t EADCTS0;       /* Offset: 0xF8  PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 0                          */
    __IO uint32_t EADCTS1;       /* Offset: 0xFC  PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 1                          */
    __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT0_1;   /* Offset: 0x100  PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0                               */
    __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT2_3;   /* Offset: 0x104  PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2                               */
    __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT4_5;   /* Offset: 0x108  PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4                               */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE6[1];  
    __IO uint32_t SSCTL;         /* Offset: 0x110  PWM Synchronous Start Control Register                            */
    __O  uint32_t SSTRG;         /* Offset: 0x114  PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register                            */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE7[2];  
    __IO uint32_t STATUS;        /* Offset: 0x120  PWM Status Register                                               */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE8[55]; 
    __IO uint32_t CAPINEN;       /* Offset: 0x200  PWM Capture Input Enable Register                                 */
    __IO uint32_t CAPCTL;        /* Offset: 0x204  PWM Capture Control Register                                      */
    __I  uint32_t CAPSTS;        /* Offset: 0x208  PWM Capture Status Register                                       */
    __I  uint32_t RCAPDAT0;      /* Offset: 0x20C  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0                                */
    __I  uint32_t FCAPDAT0;      /* Offset: 0x210  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0                               */
    __I  uint32_t RCAPDAT1;      /* Offset: 0x214  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1                                */
    __I  uint32_t FCAPDAT1;      /* Offset: 0x218  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1                               */
    __I  uint32_t RCAPDAT2;      /* Offset: 0x21C  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2                                */
    __I  uint32_t FCAPDAT2;      /* Offset: 0x220  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2                               */
    __I  uint32_t RCAPDAT3;      /* Offset: 0x224  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3                                */
    __I  uint32_t FCAPDAT3;      /* Offset: 0x228  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3                               */
    __I  uint32_t RCAPDAT4;      /* Offset: 0x22C  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4                                */
    __I  uint32_t FCAPDAT4;      /* Offset: 0x230  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4                               */
    __I  uint32_t RCAPDAT5;      /* Offset: 0x234  PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5                                */
    __I  uint32_t FCAPDAT5;      /* Offset: 0x238  PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5                               */
    __IO uint32_t PDMACTL;       /* Offset: 0x23C  PWM PDMA Control Register                                         */
    __I  uint32_t PDMACAP0_1;    /* Offset: 0x240  PWM Capture Channel 01 PDMA Register                              */
    __I  uint32_t PDMACAP2_3;    /* Offset: 0x244  PWM Capture Channel 23 PDMA Register                              */
    __I  uint32_t PDMACAP4_5;    /* Offset: 0x248  PWM Capture Channel 45 PDMA Register                              */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE9[1];  
    __IO uint32_t CAPIEN;        /* Offset: 0x250  PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register                             */
    __IO uint32_t CAPIF;         /* Offset: 0x254  PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register                               */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE10[43];
    __I  uint32_t PBUF[6];       /* Offset: 0x304~0x318  PWM PERIOD0~5 Buffer                                        */
    __I  uint32_t CMPBUF[6];     /* Offset: 0x31C~0x330  PWM CMPDAT0~5 Buffer                                        */
    __I  uint32_t RESERVE11[3]; 
    __I  uint32_t FTCBUF0_1;     /* Offset: 0x340  PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer                                            */
    __I  uint32_t FTCBUF2_3;     /* Offset: 0x344  PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer                                            */
    __I  uint32_t FTCBUF4_5;     /* Offset: 0x348  PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer                                            */
    __IO uint32_t FTCI;          /* Offset: 0x34C  PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register                                   */

} PWM_T;


#include <M451Series.h>

Data Fields

__IO uint32_t  CTL0
__IO uint32_t  CTL1
__IO uint32_t  SYNC
__IO uint32_t  SWSYNC
__IO uint32_t  CLKSRC
__IO uint32_t  CLKPSC0_1
__IO uint32_t  CLKPSC2_3
__IO uint32_t  CLKPSC4_5
__IO uint32_t  CNTEN
__IO uint32_t  CNTCLR
__IO uint32_t  LOAD
__I uint32_t  RESERVE0 [1]
__IO uint32_t  PERIOD [6]
__I uint32_t  RESERVE1 [2]
__IO uint32_t  CMPDAT [6]
__I uint32_t  RESERVE2 [2]
__IO uint32_t  DTCTL0_1
__IO uint32_t  DTCTL2_3
__IO uint32_t  DTCTL4_5
__I uint32_t  RESERVE3 [1]
__IO uint32_t  PHS0_1
__IO uint32_t  PHS2_3
__IO uint32_t  PHS4_5
__I uint32_t  RESERVE4 [1]
__I uint32_t  CNT [6]
__I uint32_t  RESERVE5 [2]
__IO uint32_t  WGCTL0
__IO uint32_t  WGCTL1
__IO uint32_t  MSKEN
__IO uint32_t  MSK
__IO uint32_t  BNF
__IO uint32_t  FAILBRK
__IO uint32_t  BRKCTL0_1
__IO uint32_t  BRKCTL2_3
__IO uint32_t  BRKCTL4_5
__IO uint32_t  POLCTL
__IO uint32_t  POEN
__O uint32_t  SWBRK
__IO uint32_t  INTEN0
__IO uint32_t  INTEN1
__IO uint32_t  INTSTS0
__IO uint32_t  INTSTS1
__IO uint32_t  IFA
__IO uint32_t  DACTRGEN
__IO uint32_t  EADCTS0
__IO uint32_t  EADCTS1
__IO uint32_t  FTCMPDAT0_1
__IO uint32_t  FTCMPDAT2_3
__IO uint32_t  FTCMPDAT4_5
__I uint32_t  RESERVE6 [1]
__IO uint32_t  SSCTL
__O uint32_t  SSTRG
__I uint32_t  RESERVE7 [2]
__IO uint32_t  STATUS
__I uint32_t  RESERVE8 [55]
__IO uint32_t  CAPINEN
__IO uint32_t  CAPCTL
__I uint32_t  CAPSTS
__I uint32_t  RCAPDAT0
__I uint32_t  FCAPDAT0
__I uint32_t  RCAPDAT1
__I uint32_t  FCAPDAT1
__I uint32_t  RCAPDAT2
__I uint32_t  FCAPDAT2
__I uint32_t  RCAPDAT3
__I uint32_t  FCAPDAT3
__I uint32_t  RCAPDAT4
__I uint32_t  FCAPDAT4
__I uint32_t  RCAPDAT5
__I uint32_t  FCAPDAT5
__IO uint32_t  PDMACTL
__I uint32_t  PDMACAP0_1
__I uint32_t  PDMACAP2_3
__I uint32_t  PDMACAP4_5
__I uint32_t  RESERVE9 [1]
__IO uint32_t  CAPIEN
__IO uint32_t  CAPIF
__I uint32_t  RESERVE10 [43]
__I uint32_t  PBUF [6]
__I uint32_t  CMPBUF [6]
__I uint32_t  RESERVE11 [3]
__I uint32_t  FTCBUF0_1
__I uint32_t  FTCBUF2_3
__I uint32_t  FTCBUF4_5
__IO uint32_t  FTCI


Field Documentation




Offset: 0xC0 PWM Brake Noise Filter Register

[0] BRK0NFEN PWM Brake 0 Noise Filter Enable
0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Disabled.
1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Enabled.
[3:1] BRK0NFSEL Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
[6:4] BRK0FCNT Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Count
The register bits control the Brake0 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT.
[7] BRK0PINV Brake 0 Pin Inverse
0 = The state of pin PWMx_BRAKE0 is passed to the negative edge detector.
1 = The inverted state of pin PWMx_BRAKE10 is passed to the negative edge detector.
[8] BRK1NFEN PWM Brake 1 Noise Filter Enable
0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Disabled.
1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Enabled.
[11:9] BRK1NFSEL Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
[14:12] BRK1FCNT Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Count
The register bits control the Brake1 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT.
[15] BRK1PINV Brake 1 Pin Inverse
0 = The state of pin PWMx_BRAKE1 is passed to the negative edge detector.
1 = The inverted state of pin PWMx_BRAKE1 is passed to the negative edge detector.
[16] BK0SRC Brake 0 Pin Source Select (M45xD/M45xC Only)
For PWM0 setting:
0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0.
1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0.
For PWM1 setting:
0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0.
1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0.
[24] BK1SRC Brake 1 Pin Source Select (M45xD/M45xC Only)
For PWM0 setting:
0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1.
1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1.
For PWM1 setting:
0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1.
1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1.



Offset: 0xC8 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] CPO0EBEN Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[1] CPO1EBEN Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[4] BRKP0EEN Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[5] BRKP1EEN Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[7] SYSEBEN Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[8] CPO0LBEN Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[9] CPO1LBEN Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[12] BRKP0LEN Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[13] BRKP1LEN Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[15] SYSLBEN Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[17:16] BRKAEVEN PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect)
00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[19:18] BRKAODD PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect)
00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.



Offset: 0xCC PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] CPO0EBEN Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[1] CPO1EBEN Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[4] BRKP0EEN Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[5] BRKP1EEN Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[7] SYSEBEN Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[8] CPO0LBEN Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[9] CPO1LBEN Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[12] BRKP0LEN Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[13] BRKP1LEN Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[15] SYSLBEN Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[17:16] BRKAEVEN PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect)
00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[19:18] BRKAODD PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect)
00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7587 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xD0 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] CPO0EBEN Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[1] CPO1EBEN Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[4] BRKP0EEN Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = BKP0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[5] BRKP1EEN Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = BKP1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[7] SYSEBEN Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[8] CPO0LBEN Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[9] CPO1LBEN Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[12] BRKP0LEN Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[13] BRKP1LEN Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[15] SYSLBEN Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[17:16] BRKAEVEN PWM Brake Action Select For Even Channel (Write Protect)
00 = PWM even channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
10 = PWM even channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
11 = PWM even channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[19:18] BRKAODD PWM Brake Action Select For Odd Channel (Write Protect)
00 = PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
10 = PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
11 = PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7588 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x204 PWM Capture Control Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CAPENn Capture Function Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT register will not be updated.
1 = Capture function Enabled.
Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch).
[13:8] CAPINVn Capture Inverter Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
[21:16] RCRLDENn Rising Capture Reload Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
[29:24] FCRLDENn Falling Capture Reload Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.

Definition at line 7610 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x250 PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CAPRIENn PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CINTENR corresponding channel CAPRIEN must be disabled.
[13:8] CAPFIENn PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CINTENR corresponding channel CAPFIEN must be disabled.

Definition at line 7629 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x254 PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CRLIFn PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CIFR corresponding channel CRLIF will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
[13:8] CFLIFn PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, CIFR corresponding channel CFLIF will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.

Definition at line 7630 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x200 PWM Capture Input Enable Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CAPINENn Capture Input Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.

Definition at line 7609 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x208 PWM Capture Status Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CRLIFOVn Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIF is 1.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIF.
[13:8] CFLIFOVn Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIF is 1.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIF.

Definition at line 7611 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x14 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] CLKPSC PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).

Definition at line 7559 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x18 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] CLKPSC PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).

Definition at line 7560 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x1C PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] CLKPSC PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).

Definition at line 7561 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x10 PWM Clock Source Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[2:0] ECLKSRC0 PWM_CH01 External Clock Source Select
000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
001 = TIMER0 overflow.
010 = TIMER1 overflow.
011 = TIMER2 overflow.
100 = TIMER3 overflow.
Others = Reserved.
[10:8] ECLKSRC2 PWM_CH23 External Clock Source Select
000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
001 = TIMER0 overflow.
010 = TIMER1 overflow.
011 = TIMER2 overflow.
100 = TIMER3 overflow.
Others = Reserved.
[18:16] ECLKSRC4 PWM_CH45 External Clock Source Select
000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
001 = TIMER0 overflow.
010 = TIMER1 overflow.
011 = TIMER2 overflow.
100 = TIMER3 overflow.
Others = Reserved.

Definition at line 7558 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x31C~0x330 PWM CMPDAT0~5 Buffer

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] CMPBUF PWM Comparator Register Buffer
(Read Only)
Used as CMP active register.

Definition at line 7633 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x50~0x64 PWM Comparator Register 0~5

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] CMP PWM Comparator Register
CMP use to compare with CNTR to generate PWM waveform, interrupt and trigger EADC/DAC.
In independent mode, CMPDAT0~5 denote as 6 independent PWM_CH0~5 compared point.
In complementary mode, CMPDAT0, 2, 4 denote as first compared point, and CMPDAT1, 3, 5 denote as second compared point for the corresponding 3 complementary pairs PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.

Definition at line 7568 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x90~0xA4 PWM Counter Register 0~5

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] CNT PWM Data Register (Read Only)
User can monitor CNTR to know the current value in 16-bit period counter.
[16] DIRF PWM Direction Indicator Flag (Read Only)
0 = Counter is Down count.
1 = Counter is UP count.

Definition at line 7578 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x24 PWM Clear Counter Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CNTCLRn Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = No effect.
1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0000H.

Definition at line 7563 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x20 PWM Counter Enable Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CNTENn PWM Counter Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.

Definition at line 7562 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x00 PWM Control Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CTRLDn Center Re-Load
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
In up-down counter type, PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the center point of a period.
[13:8] WINLDENn Window Load Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD bit.
1 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register and cleared by hardware after load success.
[21:16] IMMLDENn Immediately Load Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF at the end point of each period.
CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD bit.
1 = PERIOD/CMPDAT will load to PBUF and CMPBUF immediately when software update PERIOD/CMPDAT.
Note: If IMMLDENn is enabled, WINLDENn and CTRLDn will be invalid.
[24] GROUPEN Group Function Enable
0 = The output waveform of each PWM channel are independent.
1 = Unify the PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH4 to output the same waveform as PWM_CH0 and unify the PWM_CH3 and PWM_CH5 to output the same waveform as PWM_CH1.
[30] DBGHALT ICE Debug Mode Counter Halt (Write Protect)
If counter halt is enabled, PWM all counters will keep current value until exit ICE debug mode.
0 = ICE debug mode counter halt disable.
1 = ICE debug mode counter halt enable.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[31] DBGTRIOFF ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable (Write Protect)
0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects PWM output.
PWM pin will be forced as tri-state while ICE debug mode acknowledged.
1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement disabled.
PWM pin will keep output no matter ICE debug mode acknowledged or not.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7554 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x04 PWM Control Register 1

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] CNTTYPEn PWM Counter Behavior Type
Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
10 = Up-down counter type.
11 = Reserved.
[21:16] CNTMODEn PWM Counter Mode
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Auto-reload mode.
1 = One-shot mode.
[26:24] OUTMODEn PWM Output Mode
Each bit n controls the
output mode of
corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM independent mode.
1 = PWM complementary mode.
Note: When operating in group function, these bits must all set to the same mode.

Definition at line 7555 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xF4 PWM Trigger DAC Enable Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] ZTEn PWM Zero Point Trigger DAC Enable
0 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Disabled.
1 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Enabled.
PWM can trigger EADC/DAC/DMA to start action when PWM counter down count to zero if this bit is set to 1.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
[13:8] PTEn PWM Period Point Trigger DAC Enable
0 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Disabled.
1 = PWM period point trigger DAC function Enabled.
PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter up count to (PERIODn+1) if this bit is set to 1.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
[21:16] CUTRGEn PWM Compare Up Count Point Trigger DAC Enable
0 = PWM Compare Up point trigger DAC function Disabled.
1 = PWM Compare Up point trigger DAC function Enabled.
PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter up count to CMPDAT if this bit is set to 1.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Note1: This bit should keep at 0 when PWM counter operating in down counter type.
Note2: In complementary mode, CUTRGE1, 3, 5 use as another CUTRGE for channel 0, 2, 4.
[29:24] CDTRGEn PWM Compare Down Count Point Trigger DAC Enable
0 = PWM Compare Down count point trigger DAC function Disabled.
1 = PWM Compare Down count point trigger DAC function Enabled.
PWM can trigger DAC to start action when PWM counter down count to CMPDAT if this bit is set to 1.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Note1: This bit should keep at 0 when PWM counter operating in up counter type.
Note2: In complementary mode, CDTRGE1, 3, 5 use as another CDTRGE for channel 0, 2, 4.

Definition at line 7597 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x70 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] DTCNT Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[16] DTEN Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect)
Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[24] DTCKSEL Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK.
1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7570 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x74 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] DTCNT Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[16] DTEN Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect)
Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[24] DTCKSEL Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK.
1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7571 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x78 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] DTCNT Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0]+1) * PWM_CLK period.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[16] DTEN Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWM_CH0, PWM_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (PWM_CH4, PWM_CH5) (Write Protect)
Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[24] DTCKSEL Dead-Time Clock Select (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
0 = Dead-time clock source from PWM_CLK.
1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7572 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xF8 PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[3:0] TRGSEL0 PWM_CH0 Trigger EADC Source Select
0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point.
0001 = PWM_CH0 period point.
0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point.
0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count CMPDAT point.
0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count CMPDAT point.
0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point.
0110 = PWM_CH1 period point.
0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point.
1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count CMPDAT point.
1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count CMPDAT point.
1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
[7] TRGEN0 PWM_CH0 Trigger EADC enable bit
[11:8] TRGSEL1 PWM_CH1 Trigger EADC Source Select
0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point.
0001 = PWM_CH0 period point.
0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point.
0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count CMPDAT point.
0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count CMPDAT point.
0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point.
0110 = PWM_CH1 period point.
0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point.
1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count CMPDAT point.
1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count CMPDAT point.
1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
[15] TRGEN1 PWM_CH1 Trigger EADC enable bit
[19:16] TRGSEL2 PWM_CH2 Trigger EADC Source Select
0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point.
0001 = PWM_CH2 period point.
0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point.
0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count CMPDAT point.
0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count CMPDAT point.
0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point.
0110 = PWM_CH3 period point.
0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point.
1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count CMPDAT point.
1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count CMPDAT point.
1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
[23] TRGEN2 PWM_CH2 Trigger EADC enable bit
[27:24] TRGSEL3 PWM_CH3 Trigger EADC Source Select
0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point.
0001 = PWM_CH2 period point.
0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point.
0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count CMPDAT point.
0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count CMPDAT point.
0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point.
0110 = PWM_CH3 period point.
0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point.
1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count CMPDAT point.
1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count CMPDAT point.
1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
[31] TRGEN3 PWM_CH3 Trigger EADC enable bit

Definition at line 7598 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xFC PWM Trigger EADC Source Select Register 1

Bits Field Descriptions
[3:0] TRGSEL4 PWM_CH4 Trigger EADC Source Select
0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point.
0001 = PWM_CH4 period point.
0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point.
0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count CMPDAT point.
0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count CMPDAT point.
0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point.
0110 = PWM_CH5 period point.
0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point.
1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count CMPDAT point.
1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count CMPDAT point.
1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
[7] TRGEN4 PWM_CH4 Trigger EADC enable bit
[11:8] TRGSEL5 PWM_CH5 Trigger EADC Source Select
0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point.
0001 = PWM_CH4 period point.
0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point.
0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count CMPDAT point.
0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count CMPDAT point.
0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point.
0110 = PWM_CH5 period point.
0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point.
1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count CMPDAT point.
1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count CMPDAT point.
1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free CMPDAT point.
1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free CMPDAT point.
1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free CMPDAT point.
[15] TRGEN5 PWM_CH5 Trigger EADC enable bit

Definition at line 7599 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xC4 PWM System Fail Brake Control Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] CSSBRKEN Clock Security System Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
0 = Brake Function triggered by CSS detection Disabled.
1 = Brake Function triggered by CSS detection Enabled.
[1] BODBRKEN Brown-Out Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
0 = Brake Function triggered by BOD Disabled.
1 = Brake Function triggered by BOD Enabled.
[2] RAMBRKEN SRAM Parity Error Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
0 = Brake Function triggered by SRAM parity error detection Disabled.
1 = Brake Function triggered by SRAM parity error detection Enabled.
[3] CORBRKEN Core Lockup Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function 0 Enable
0 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup detection Disabled.
1 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup detection Enabled.

Definition at line 7585 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x210 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FCAPDAT PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7613 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x218 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FCAPDAT PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7615 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x220 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FCAPDAT PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7617 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x228 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FCAPDAT PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7619 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x230 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FCAPDAT PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7621 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x238 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FCAPDAT PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7623 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x340 PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FTCMPBUF PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
Used as FTCMPDAT active register.

Definition at line 7635 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x344 PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FTCMPBUF PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
Used as FTCMPDAT active register.

Definition at line 7636 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x348 PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FTCMPBUF PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
Used as FTCMPDAT active register.

Definition at line 7637 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x34C PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[2:0] FTCMUn PWM FTCMPDAT Up Indicator
Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn equal to PERIODn and DIRF=1, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
[10:8] FTCMDn PWM FTCMPDAT Down Indicator
Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn equal to PERIODn and DIRF=0, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.

Definition at line 7638 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x100 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FTCMP PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC.
FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.

Definition at line 7600 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x104 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FTCMP PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC.
FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.

Definition at line 7601 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x108 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] FTCMP PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
FTCMP use to compare with even CNTR to trigger EADC.
FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWM_CH0and PWM_CH1, PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3, PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5.

Definition at line 7602 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xF0 PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[3:0] IFCNT0_1 PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Counter
The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 period occurs to set bit IFAIF0_1 to request the PWM period interrupt.
PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT0_1 [3:0] times of PWM period.
[6:4] IFSEL0_1 PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 0.
001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 0.
010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 0.
011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 0.
100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 1.
101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 1.
110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 1.
111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 1.
[7] IFAEN0_1 PWM_CH0 And PWM_CH1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable
0 = PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
1 = PWM_CH0 and PWM_CH1 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
[11:8] IFCNT2_3 PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Counter
The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 period occurs to set bit IFAIF2_3 to request the PWM period interrupt.
PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT2_3[3:0] times of PWM period.
[14:12] IFSEL2_3 PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 2.
001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 2.
010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 2.
011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 2.
100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 3.
101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 3.
110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 3.
111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 3.
[15] IFAEN2_3 PWM_CH2 And PWM_CH3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable
0 = PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
1 = PWM_CH2 and PWM_CH3 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
[19:16] IFCNT4_5 PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Counter
The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 period occurs to set bit IFAIF4_5 to request the PWM period interrupt.
PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT4_5[3:0] times of PWM period.
[22:20] IFSEL4_5 PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 4.
001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 4.
010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 4.
011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 4.
100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 5.
101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 5.
110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 5.
111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 5.
[23] IFAEN4_5 PWM_CH4 And PWM_CH5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable
0 = PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
1 = PWM_CH4 and PWM_CH5 interrupt flag accumulator enable.

Definition at line 7596 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xE0 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] ZIENn PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
[7] IFAIEN0_1 PWM_CH0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable
0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
[13:8] PIENn PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
[15] IFAIEN2_3 PWM_CH2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable
0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
[21:16] CMPUIENn PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
[23] IFAIEN4_5 PWM_CH4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable
0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
[29:24] CMPDIENn PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.

Definition at line 7592 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xE4 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] BRKEIEN0_1 PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[1] BRKEIEN2_3 PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel2/3 (Write Protect)
0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled.
1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[2] BRKEIEN4_5 PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel4/5 (Write Protect)
0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled.
1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[8] BRKLIEN0_1 PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[9] BRKLIEN2_3 PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel2/3 (Write Protect)
0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled.
1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[10] BRKLIEN4_5 PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel4/5 (Write Protect)
0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled.
1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7593 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xE8 PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] ZIFn PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
[7] IFAIF0_1 PWM_CH0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL0_1 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
[13:8] PIFn PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PWM_PERIODn, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
[15] IFAIF2_3 PWM_CH2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL2_3 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
[21:16] CMPUIFn PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches PWM_CMPDATn, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
[23] IFAIF4_5 PWM_CH4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL4_5 in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
[29:24] CMPDIFn PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches PWM_CMPDATn, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.

Definition at line 7594 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xEC PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] BRKEIF0 PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[1] BRKEIF1 PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[2] BRKEIF2 PWM Channel2 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel2 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel2 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[3] BRKEIF3 PWM Channel3 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel3 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel3 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[4] BRKEIF4 PWM Channel4 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel4 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel4 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[5] BRKEIF5 PWM Channel5 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel5 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel5 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[8] BRKLIF0 PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel0 level-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel0 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[9] BRKLIF1 PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[10] BRKLIF2 PWM Channel2 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel2 level-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel2 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[11] BRKLIF3 PWM Channel3 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel3 level-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel3 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[12] BRKLIF4 PWM Channel4 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel4 level-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel4 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[13] BRKLIF5 PWM Channel5 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
0 = PWM channel5 level-detect brake event do not happened.
1 = When PWM channel5 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[16] BRKESTS0 PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Status
0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
[17] BRKESTS1 PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Status
0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
[18] BRKESTS2 PWM Channel2 Edge-Detect Brake Status
0 = PWM channel2 edge-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel2 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel2 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
[19] BRKESTS3 PWM Channel3 Edge-Detect Brake Status
0 = PWM channel3 edge-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel3 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel3 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
[20] BRKESTS4 PWM Channel4 Edge-Detect Brake Status
0 = PWM channel4 edge-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel4 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel4 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
[21] BRKESTS5 PWM Channel5 Edge-Detect Brake Status
0 = PWM channel5 edge-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel5 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel5 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
[24] BRKLSTS0 PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
0 = PWM channel0 level-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel0 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state.
Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
[25] BRKLSTS1 PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state.
Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
[26] BRKLSTS2 PWM Channel2 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
0 = PWM channel2 level-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel2 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel2 at brake state.
Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
[27] BRKLSTS3 PWM Channel3 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
0 = PWM channel3 level-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel3 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel3 at brake state.
Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
[28] BRKLSTS4 PWM Channel4 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
0 = PWM channel4 level-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel4 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel4 at brake state.
Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
[29] BRKLSTS5 PWM Channel5 Level-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
0 = PWM channel5 level-detect brake state is released.
1 = When PWM channel5 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel5 at brake state.
Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.

Definition at line 7595 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x28 PWM Load Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] LOADn Re-Load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
This bit is software write, hardware clear when current PWM period end.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
Write Operation:
0 = No effect.
1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
Read Operation:
0 = No load window is set.
1 = Load window is set.
Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.

Definition at line 7564 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xBC PWM Mask Data Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] MSKDATn PWM Mask Data Bit
This data bit control the state of PWMn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Output logic low to PWMn.
1 = Output logic high to PWMn.

Definition at line 7583 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xB8 PWM Mask Enable Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] MSKENn PWM Mask Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.

Definition at line 7582 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x304~0x318 PWM PERIOD0~5 Buffer

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] PBUF PWM Period Register Buffer
(Read Only)
Used as PERIOD active register.

Definition at line 7632 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x240 PWM Capture Channel 01 PDMA Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] CAPBUF PWM Capture PDMA Register
(Read Only)
This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.

Definition at line 7625 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x244 PWM Capture Channel 23 PDMA Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] CAPBUF PWM Capture PDMA Register
(Read Only)
This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.

Definition at line 7626 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x248 PWM Capture Channel 45 PDMA Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] CAPBUF PWM Capture PDMA Register
(Read Only)
This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.

Definition at line 7627 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x23C PWM PDMA Control Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] CHEN0_1 Channel 0/1 PDMA Enable
0 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Disabled.
1 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 0/1 captured data and transfer to memory.
[2:1] CAPMOD0_1 Select PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 Or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 To Do PDMA Transfer
00 = Reserved.
01 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1.
10 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1.
11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 and PWM_FCAPDAT0/1.
[3] CAPORD0_1 Capture Channel 0/1 Rising/Falling Order
Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD0_1 = 11.
0 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data to memory.
1 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 is the first captured data to memory.
[4] CHSEL0_1 Select Channel 0/1 To Do PDMA Transfer
0 = Channel0.
1 = Channel1.
[8] CHEN2_3 Channel 2/3 PDMA Enable
0 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Disabled.
1 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 2/3 captured data and transfer to memory.
[10:9] CAPMOD2_3 Select PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 Or PWM_FCAODAT2/3 To Do PDMA Transfer
00 = Reserved.
01 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3.
10 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3.
11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 and PWM_FCAPDAT2/3.
[11] CAPORD2_3 Capture Channel 2/3 Rising/Falling Order
Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 or PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD2_3 = 11.
0 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data to memory.
1 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 is the first captured data to memory.
[12] CHSEL2_3 Select Channel 2/3 To Do PDMA Transfer
0 = Channel2.
1 = Channel3.
[16] CHEN4_5 Channel 4/5 PDMA Enable
0 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Disabled.
1 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 4/5 captured data and transfer to memory.
[18:17] CAPMOD4_5 Select PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 Or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 To Do PDMA Transfer
00 = Reserved.
01 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5.
10 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5.
11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 and PWM_FCAPDAT4/5.
[19] CAPORD4_5 Capture Channel 4/5 Rising/Falling Order
Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD4_5 = 11.
0 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data to memory.
1 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 is the first captured data to memory.
[20] CHSEL4_5 Select Channel 4/5 To Do PDMA Transfer
0 = Channel4.
1 = Channel5.

Definition at line 7624 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x30~0x44 PWM Period Register 0~5

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] PERIOD PWM Period Register
Up-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, and restarts from 0.
Down-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from PERIOD to 0, and restarts from PERIOD.
PWM period time = (PERIOD+1) * PWM_CLK period.
Up-Down-Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, then decrements to 0 and repeats again.
PWM period time = 2 * PERIOD * PWM_CLK period.

Definition at line 7566 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x80 PWM Counter Phase Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] PHS PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.

Definition at line 7574 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x84 PWM Counter Phase Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] PHS PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.

Definition at line 7575 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x88 PWM Counter Phase Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] PHS PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
PHS determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.

Definition at line 7576 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xD8 PWM Output Enable Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] POENn PWM Pin Output Enable
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM pin at tri-state.
1 = PWM pin in output mode.

Definition at line 7590 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xD4 PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] PINVn PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
The register controls polarity state of PWM output.
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM output polar inverse Disabled.
1 = PWM output polar inverse Enabled.

Definition at line 7589 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x20C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] RCAPDAT PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7612 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x214 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] RCAPDAT PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7614 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x21C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] RCAPDAT PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7616 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x224 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] RCAPDAT PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7618 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x22C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] RCAPDAT PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7620 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x234 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5

Bits Field Descriptions
[15:0] RCAPDAT PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.

Definition at line 7622 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE0[1]

Definition at line 7565 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE1[2]

Definition at line 7567 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE10[43]

Definition at line 7631 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE11[3]

Definition at line 7634 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE2[2]

Definition at line 7569 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE3[1]

Definition at line 7573 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE4[1]

Definition at line 7577 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE5[2]

Definition at line 7579 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE6[1]

Definition at line 7603 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE7[2]

Definition at line 7606 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE8[55]

Definition at line 7608 of file M451Series.h.

__I uint32_t PWM_T::RESERVE9[1]

Definition at line 7628 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x110 PWM Synchronous Start Control Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] SSENn PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable
When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.

Definition at line 7604 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x114 PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[0] CNTSEN PWM Counter Synchronous Start Enable (Write Only)
PMW counter synchronous enable function is used to make selected PWM channels (include PWM0_CHx and PWM1_CHx) start counting at the same time.
Writing this bit to 1 will also set the counter enable bit (CNTENn, n denotes channel 0 to 5) if correlated PWM channel counter synchronous start function is enabled.
Note: This bit only present in PWM0_BA.

Definition at line 7605 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x120 PWM Status Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[5:0] CNTMAXFn Time-Base Counter Equal To 0xFFFF Latched Flag
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = indicates the time-base counter never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
1 = indicates the time-base counter reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
[10:8] SYNCINFn Input Synchronization Latched Flag
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Indicates no SYNC_IN event has occurred.
1 = Indicates an SYNC_IN event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
[21:16] ADCTRGFn EADC Start Of Conversion Flag
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Indicates no EADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
1 = Indicates an EADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
[24] DACTRGF DAC Start Of Conversion Flag
0 = Indicates no DAC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
1 = Indicates an DAC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit

Definition at line 7607 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xDC PWM Software Brake Control Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[2:0] BRKETRGn PWM Edge Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect) (M45xD/M45xC Only)
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
Write 1 to this bit will trigger edge brake, and set BRKEIFn to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
[10:8] BRKLTRGn PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
Write 1 to this bit will trigger level brake, and set BRKLIFn to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.

Definition at line 7591 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x0C PWM Software Control Synchronization Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[2:0] SWSYNCn Software SYNC Function
Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
When SINSRCn (PWM_SYNC[13:8]) is selected to 0, SYNC_OUT source is come from SYNC_IN or this bit.

Definition at line 7557 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0x08 PWM Synchronization Register

Bits Field Descriptions
[2:0] PHSENn SYNC Phase Enable
Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = PWM counter disable to load PHS value.
1 = PWM counter enable to load PHS value.
[13:8] SINSRCn PWM_SYNC_IN Source Selection
Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
00 = Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC.
01 = Counter equal to 0.
10 = Counter equal to PWM_CMPDATm, m denotes 1, 3, 5.
11 = SYNC_OUT will not be generated.
[16] SNFLTEN PWM_SYNC_IN Noise Filter Enable
0 = Noise filter of input pin PWM_SYNC_IN is Disabled.
1 = Noise filter of input pin PWM_SYNC_IN is Enabled.
[19:17] SFLTCSEL SYNC Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
[22:20] SFLTCNT SYNC Edge Detector Filter Count
The register bits control the counter number of edge detector.
[23] SINPINV SYNC Input Pin Inverse
0 = The state of pin SYNC is passed to the negative edge detector.
1 = The inverted state of pin SYNC is passed to the negative edge detector.
[26:24] PHSDIRn PWM Phase Direction Control
Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
0 = Control PWM counter count decrement after synchronizing.
1 = Control PWM counter count increment after synchronizing.

Definition at line 7556 of file M451Series.h.


Offset: 0xB0 PWM Generation Register 0

Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] ZPCTLn PWM Zero Point Control
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
00 = Do nothing.
01 = PWM zero point output Low.
10 = PWM zero point output High.
11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
PWM can control output level when PWM counter count to zero.
[27:16] PRDPCTLn PWM Period (Center) Point Control
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
00 = Do nothing.
01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
PWM can control output level when PWM counter count to (PERIODn+1).
Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.


Offset: 0xB4 PWM Generation Register 1
Bits Field Descriptions
[11:0] CMPUCTLn PWM Compare Up Point Control
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
00 = Do nothing.
01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
10 = PWM compare up point output High.
11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
PWM can control output level when PWM counter up count to CMPDAT.
Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
[27:16] CMPDCTLn PWM Compare Down Point Control
Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
00 = Do nothing.
01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
10 = PWM compare down point output High.
11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
PWM can control output level when PWM counter down count to CMPDAT.
Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4. 
模拟比较器 (ACMP) 

NuMicro M05xxBN/DN/DE最多有4个比较器,可以在不同的配置下使用。当正端输入大于负端输入时,比较器输出逻辑”1”,否则输出”0”。 当比较器输出值改变,每个比较器可以配置发生中断。 
?        模拟输入电压范围: 0~AVDD 
?        支持迟滞功能 
?        每个模拟比较器负端可以选择输入内部参考电压 
?        4/2个比较器共享2/1个中断向量 



